Thanks for considering a Jenny Landey Productions Location for your
It is strongly recommended that you visit a location in person before
confirming to ensure that all images are current. Not all files are
updated. If there's a specific piece of furniture or paint color on a
wall that is critical to your booking a location, please make sure to
ask if it is still there so you won't be disappointed upon arrival. When
asking about a location, please refer to the location file code number.
Hard copies are available of location files and can be sent out upon
request with shipping paid in advance by the client. There is a $500 per
lost or damaged location folder fee. Files are due back within 5
business days of receipt.
There is no fee to look at the locations or to option them. Once
confirmed, payment in full is due at least 24 hrs. prior to the shoot
date along with a certificate of insurance with a minimum general
liability policy of 1 million dollars unless specified otherwise. Payment must be made in the form
of a check of a bank wire transfer. Overtime at a location will be
billed at the end of a shoot and payment of overtime is required to be
processed upon receipt of invoice.
Once a shoot is confirmed, a full fee will be billed. There are no
exceptions to this policy, so please be sure prior to confirming. All
shoots are considered to be a "print" shoot unless otherwise
specified. All rates quoted are for "print" only shoots. The
addition of a small video or film crew doing a "behind the
scenes" or a "making of" video or film needs to be
cleared with the homeowner and will, in most cases, incur an additional